Suite 2, Kenmore Building
Mater Hospital
31 Ward Street, The Range, QLD 4700
(P O Box 8415, ALLENSTOWN QLD 4700)
07 49 274 222
Cataract Surgery
Cataracts are one of the leading causes of decreased vision, glare and sometimes distortion in vision. The surgeon uses phacoemulsification which is an ultrasonic probe. This removes that cataract through a very small incision in the front of the eye.
Once the lens has been removed, the selected artificial lens is inserted through the small incision. It then unfolds inside the eye into the correct location. The small incision then seals itself or is closed with one or two sutures which are usually removed in the post-operative period.
After surgery, the eye will be padded overnight. The pad can be removed the next morning at home before coming to a post-operative check appointment at the clinic. The vision will firstly be blurry but it should clear over the following days and continue to improve over the next one to two months. After the pad has been removed, the eye may be left opened and sunglasses or other spectacles may be worn to protect the eye. A plastic eye shield will be supplied and should be worn at night for the first two weeks after the surgery to prevent any damage to the eye during sleep.
For the first week of the surgery the eye may be irritable because of the small stitches and the surgery. Severe pain may indicate that the pressure in the eye is raised or an infection may be developing. A decrease in vision may suggest an infection, inflammation or development of retinal problems such as retinal detachment. These problems are however rare. If any complications such as severe pain or loss of vision occur, it is advisable to contact Rockhampton Eye Clinic as soon as possible.
Eye drops are required to be used the morning after surgery and for the following 4 weeks. In some cases, tablets to control the intraocular pressure are giving by the doctor after surgery.
Following surgery, the eye should be kept clean and dry. For the first two weeks, take care while showering to avoid getting water in the eye. Avoid prolonged coughing, straining, bending, or heavy lifting for one month after the surgery. Swimming should be avoided for at least two months. Daily activities can be perform after a few days as long as care and hygiene is maintained.